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Install/uninstall Cloudflare WARP
Updated over 7 months ago

The Cloudflare WARP client allows you to protect corporate devices by securely and privately sending traffic from those devices to Cloudflare’s global network, where Cloudflare Gateway can apply advanced web filtering. The WARP client also makes it possible to apply advanced Zero Trust policies that check for a device’s health before it connects to corporate applications.

For more details, please visit Cloudflare WARP > Managed deployment.


The WARP Client for Windows allows for an automated install via tools like Intune, AD, or any script or management tool that can execute a .msi file.

Install WARP

  1. Upload WARP Windows package as a custom package and deploy to devices or smart groups

  2. Create a custom command and run the following command:

msiexec /i "Cloudflare_WARP_<VERSION>.msi" /qn ORGANIZATION="your-team-name" SUPPORT_URL=""

Uninstall WARP

To uninstall the WARP client, you can upload the following 2 commands as .ps1 to the Uninstaller file.

  • First, locate the .msi package with the following PowerShell command:

PS C:\Users\JohnDoe> Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "WARP" } | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table 

IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize IdentifyingNumber Name LocalPackage----------------- ---- ------------{5RA4DJWK-13D8-2NSX-QRF8-UANLODWD6D90} Cloudflare WARP C:\WINDOWS\Installer\3f476db.msi
  • You can then use the LocalPackage output in the uninstall command. For example,

msiexec /x C:\WINDOWS\Installer\<WARP_RELEASE>.msi /quiet


The Cloudflare WARP macOS client allows for an automated install via Swif by downloading .mobileconfig and upload as a custom policy.

  1. Upload WARP macOS package as a custom package and deploy to devices or smart groups

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