Smart Device Groups help you efficiently manage your devices by dynamically grouping them based on predefined conditions. Automatically categorize devices to streamline policy deployment, software installations, and compliance monitoring.
Benefits of Smart Device Groups
Automated Management: Devices automatically join or leave groups as they meet or fail to meet the defined criteria.
Simplified Administration: Quickly deploy policies, software, and compliance rules to specific groups.
Flexible and Scalable: Easily manage devices at any scale by creating customized conditions.
Creating a Smart Device Group
Log into your Swif Console.
Navigate to Device Management > Device Groups.
Click Create Group, and select Smart Group.
Enter a descriptive Name for your group and add an optional Description.
Define group membership criteria by specifying one or more conditions. Common examples include:
Operating System (e.g., macOS, Windows, Linux)
OS Version (e.g., less than, equal to, greater than a specific version)
Device Name
Installed Software
Enrollment Status
Ownership Type (e.g., BYOD, Corporate)
Last Check-in Date
Click Save to create your Smart Device Group.
Example Use Cases
Outdated macOS Devices:
OS Version:
< 14.0
Devices Missing Antivirus:
Installed Software: Does NOT include
Antivirus App
Corporate-owned Windows Devices:
Ownership Type:
Managing Smart Device Groups
Editing Groups: Click on an existing group, update your criteria, and save changes.
Deleting Groups: Select a group and click Delete. Devices are unaffected; only the grouping is removed.
Can a device be part of multiple Smart Device Groups?
Yes. Devices join every Smart Group whose criteria they meet.
How frequently are Smart Groups updated?
Swif updates Smart Group memberships dynamically as device conditions change (e.g., after a check-in).
What happens if a Smart Group is deleted?
Deleting a Smart Group only removes the group itself. Devices remain unaffected and continue to be managed individually or by other existing groups.
Need Further Assistance?
Visit our Swif Help Center or contact Swif Support for additional help.
Last Updated: March, 2025