Swif is dedicated to ensuring transparency and accountability for all administrative actions. With the Team Admin Audit Trail feature, organizations can now monitor and review actions performed by team administrators, improving operational oversight and compliance.
What is Tracked in the Audit Trails?
The audit trail records key administrative actions across the following categories:
Device Management
Adding or removing devices.
Assigning or unassigning devices to employees.
Archiving or restoring device records.
Locking or unlocking devices.
Reassigning devices to new employees.
Uploading receipts or invoices for devices.
Team Management
Creating or deleting teams.
Updating team configurations.
Inviting or revoking invitations for team members.
Employee Records
Adding or removing employee profiles.
Updating employee details.
Sending role-based invitations to employees.
Inviting employees to enroll devices.
Organizational Settings
Modifying organizational configurations.
Enabling or disabling specific features (e.g., remote desktop, app tracking or Swif IQ).
Managing tasks within to-do lists.
Updating the organizational address book.
Shadow IT Management
Reporting newly detected apps.
Requesting, approving, or rejecting app deletions.
How to Access the Audit Trail
Log in to your Swif Admin Panel.
Navigate to the Audit Logs icon on the top right.
Use filters to view specific actions based on:
Date Range
Why Audit Trails Are Important
Compliance: Ensure administrative actions align with security and compliance requirements.
Accountability: Track and identify responsible administrators for any changes or updates.
Transparency: Gain visibility into the management of devices, teams, and applications.
Troubleshooting: Quickly identify and address discrepancies or operational issues.
Swif’s Team Admin Audit Trail is a powerful tool for maintaining transparency and control. By offering a detailed log of administrative actions, Swif ensures organizations can operate securely while staying compliant with internal policies and industry regulations.
For more details or assistance, reach out to us at support@swif.ai or via the in-app chat.